BIDAR: With the suicide of young contractor Sachin Panchal becoming a political hot potato, Karnataka Railway Police Superintendent Dr Soumyalatha S K, who is also the in-charge DIG, arrived in Bidar on Sunday and collected information about the case. The Railway Police have already formed three teams to investigate the suicide.
Sachin Panchal had named seven people, including minister Priyank Kharge’s aide Raju Kapanur, in his death note and committed suicide on December 26 by coming under a train. His decapitated body was found beside the railway track. The death note has already been sent to the forensic lab for tests. The railway police SP also met Bidar SP Pradeep Gunti at the government guest house on Monday morning and held discussions for about an hour.
Meanwhile, the accused in the case have been absconding. On Sunday, the family of the deceased contractor had shooed away policemen who came to visit them during minister Eshwar Khandre’s visit. Following claims by accused Raju Kapanur’s brother Prakash Kapanur that Rs 60 lakh had been transferred to Sachin’s account, the family of the deceased questioned why records were not released for so long. They also demanded a CBI probe into the suicide.
“Raju Kapanur had visited our house and demanded Rs 1 crore. Now, they claim to have transferred Rs 60 lakh to Sachin. Our brother has detailed everything in his death note. Let the CBI, not the CoD, probe the case and all details will come out”, the sisters said.