Belagavi BJP MLA Abhay Patil distributes jalebis in his constituency to mark I-Day

Public TV English
1 Min Read
Belagavi South MLA Abhay Patil overseeing the preparation of jalebis.
Freshly prepared jalebis are soaked in sugar syrup.

BELAGAVI: Belagavi South Assembly constituency BJP MLA Abhay Patil is distributing boxes of jalebis to 75,000 families in his constituency to mark the 75th Independence Day.

Women packing jalebis in boxes.

Each family is being given about 250 gm of fresh jalebis. For the last three days, jalebis are being prepared at the Anasuya Kalyana Mantap in Vadgaon by jalebi makers specially called in from Rajasthan.

Stickers being stuck on the lids of boxes.

Just like the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ campaign, jalebis are being distributed to each household in the constituency. Abhay Patil said it is a practice to distribute jalebis on August 15 to mark Independence Day and on January 26 to mark Republic Day.

Boxes are ready for distribution.

“We decided about this a week ago, but after some sweetmeat makers in Belagavi said they could not supply the required quantity, we brought in some people from Rajasthan to prepare jalebis here itself”, he said.

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