Asst prof forced to apologise for post questioning naming of circle after Madakari Nayaka

Public TV English
Public TV English
1 Min Read


BELAGAVI: An assistant professor at a private engineering college here had tender an apology after raising questions about the need to rename a juction in the city after Chitradurga chieftain Madakari Nayaka.

The Belagavi City Corporation had recently decided to rename RPD Circle as Madakari Nayaka Circle. Questioning this, Assistant Professor Abhijeet Baikerikar had posted on social media stating, “What is the connection of madakari nayaka to Belgaum? It will forever remain RPD to Belgaum people, objections should be raised to corporation, corporation can’t even repair the drainage problem at the circle and they want to rename it, what a joke” (SIC).

Objecting to this, netizens started an online campaign against him with the hashtag #Remove_Abhijeet.

The Karnataka Scheduled Tribe Valmiki Workers’ Federation too wrote to the principal of KLE Engineering College demanding Abhijeet’s removal. When they met th principal with their memorandum, Abhijeet tendered an apology.

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