BENGALURU: Aishwarya Gowda and her husband Harish Gowda, who were arrested by the Chandra Layout police for cheating a jewellery store owner of 14.6 kg of gold ornaments worth crores of rupees, were released from police custody as the Karnataka High Court has granted bail to them.
Aishwarya, who claimed to be the sister of former Congress MP D K Suresh, had purchased gold ornaments from Vaarahi World of Gold, a jewellery store at Chandra Layout in Bengaluru. When she failed to pay for the ornaments, she threatened the store owner, claiming that D K Suresh would harm them.
The store owner, Vanita Aithal, filed a complaint with the police, alleging that Aishwarya and her husband had cheated her. The police arrested the couple and produced them before a city court, which had remanded them to judicial custody for 14 days.
The police also alleged that Aishwarya had threatened to kill Vanita, using abusive language and claiming that she would send actor Dharmendra to attack her.
Dharmendra had allegedly made a phone call to Vanita, asking her to give Aishwarya some time to pay for the ornaments. However, Aishwarya’s husband, Harish, had allegedly threatened to kill Vanita.
The police had arrested Aishwarya and Harish on charges of cheating and criminal intimidation. However, the High Court has now granted them bail.