BENGALURU: Actor Dharmendra may be arrested anytime soon in a cheating case related to Varahi Jewellers. Fearing arrest, Dharmendra has applied for anticipatory bail. While the police are on the lookout for him, his phone is switched off and he is not at his Bengaluru residence.
The police had issued a notice to Dharmendra to appear for investigation, as per the FIR filed. However, instead of appearing, Dharmendra has gone missing. This development comes after another cheating case involving Aishwarya Gowda came to light, where she allegedly cheated a Congress leader to the tune of crores of rupees.
Aishwarya Gowda and Harish are also likely to be arrested soon, and it is believed that Dharmendra has gone into hiding due to fear of arrest. A special team has been formed by the Chandra Layout police to look for Dharmendra.
Dharmendra is the third accused in the case filed at the Chandra Layout police station. He is accused of cheating several people, including D K Suresh, by conversing with them and gaining their trust.
Aishwarya Gowda, who is currently in jail for a gold cheating case, has been involved in multiple cheating cases. Another person who was cheated by her is planning to file a complaint against her.
Aishwarya Gowda had cheated former MP D K Suresh’s brother out of crores of rupees. The police arrested her based on a complaint filed by Vanitha Aithal. It has come to light that Aishwarya Gowda, also known as Navyashree, has cheated several people, including a builder, a gold merchant and a Congress leader, to the tune of crores of rupees.
A businessman and Congress leader from Bengaluru, who wishes not to be named, was introduced to Aishwarya Gowda about a year-and-half ago. She arrived in a luxury car with a bouncer and a gunman, and they began a real estate business together. Initially, everything seemed fine, but later, Aishwarya Gowda took Rs 6.5 crore and some gold from the businessman. When he asked for his money back, she made excuses, saying she would return it later.
An influential politician intervened and asked the businessman to give Aishwarya Gowda some time. However, after it came to light that she had cheated an individual of Rs 9 crore worth of gold, the businessman realized he had also been cheated. He is now contemplating filing a complaint against Aishwarya Gowda in Mandya or Bengaluru, with all the necessary documents.