Academy member Jeffrey Cooper sentenced to 8 years in prison for child molestation

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Jeffrey Cooper (Image source: Twitter)

WASHINGTON: Film Academy member Jeffrey Cooper, who was found guilty of three counts of child molestation, will face up to eight years in prison.

Cooper (70) received an 8-year stint in state prison during the hearing in a Van Nuys courtroom, Deadline reported. He also will be formally registered as a sex offender. Almost simultaneously, two accusers of Cooper’s hit him with a civil lawsuit for “personal injuries and damages arising out of childhood sexual abuse.”

“Children are the most vulnerable members of our community,” said Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon in a statement after Monday’s sentencing hearing.

“Mr Cooper abused his position of trust and caused incredible harm to helpless victims. I know that nothing can undo the trauma that they have endured, but I hope the victims find peace and healing now that this criminal process is complete.”

Accused of sexual assaulting two female minors, Cooper first was arrested in 2018 by LA County Sheriff’s deputies. While finding guilty in May of three felony counts of lewd acts, the jury remained deadlocked on the case of a second girl. Present in a blue jail jumpsuit at today’s LA Superior Court hearing, Cooper has been in custody since May 20, when the verdict came down.

The verdict against Cooper stands as a clear violation of Academy standards of conduct, and the group’s board will meet early next month with a final decision on Cooper as the first order of business. Cooper became a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in 2002. (ANI)

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