BENGALURU: A 13-year-old boy committed suicide by hanging from his waist thread as he was apparently denied a mobile phone, at Ratna Nagar in Gollarahatti under Byadarahalli police limits on Tuesday evening. The deceased was identified as Dhruva.
The boy returned from school, tied his waist thread to the ceiling fan and hung himself right in front of his nine-year-old sister, around 7 pm on Tuesday. Both the parents were away at work at that time.
However, the waist thread gave way and Dhruva fell down, but his young sister did not realise what he was doing. At the same time, the mother returned home from work and shifted the boy to a hospital with the help of neighbours, but the doctors declared him dead.
Dhurva was reportedly heavily addicted to the mobile phone. While his father Basavaraj works at a bakery, the mother works at a garment unit. The police are investigating what prompted the boy to end his life.