BENGALURU: The Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF) has entered into an agreement with the Uttar Pradesh government to set up 10 Nandini Chai points at the ongoing Mahakumbh Mela at Prayagraj.
As part of the Mahakumbh Mela, KMF will set up 10 tea points in partnership with the mela organisers, where Nandini tea and other Nandini products will be sold.
KMF aims to sell around one crore cups of tea through these points, which would be a record for the most tea sold at a single event, and attempt to enter the Guinness World Records.
The Mahakumbh Mela, which began on January 13, will continue for 44 days, and KMF will showcase its expertise at the mela through its Nandini brand of milk and dairy products.