BENGALURU: Following the heinous act in Chamarajpet where unidentified miscreants slashed the udders of three cows, minister Zameer Ahmed Khan visited the Cottonpet veterinary hospital where the cows are being treated.
After the visit, Zameer said, “As soon as I got the information, I just informed the CM, and he immediately called the police commissioner and directed him to take action against the perpetrator”.
“I and the Chief Minister were in Ballari today. Whoever the culprit is, the CM has said that he will arrest him immediately. Why this hatred towards animals? The person who did this is not a human being. No matter what, whether enmity or hatred, such cruelty is unacceptable, this should not be done. I have also spoken to the police. Whoever it is, strict action should be taken against the culprits. I will give three new cows to that family. I am with his family”, the minister said.
Minister Zameer instructed Vinay, an aide, to go to the injured cow owner’s house on Monday and give them new cows. He also said that it is his responsibility to give cows to the family.