BENGALURU: Two accused in a murder case, who were also history-sheeters, created a commotion for a while near the Hosur court in Tamil Nadu. The history-sheeters were escorted by five hired gunmen and over 10 other goons.
They travelled to the Hosur police station in a high-end SUV, reportedly with private escort vehicles ahead and behind their car. The incident has raised questions about the security provided to the accused.
The accused, Reva and Sulikunte Seena, were involved in the murder of a youth in Sulikunte village on Sarjapur Road, and had dumped the body in Bagalur, Tamil Nadu.
Then, they was arrested by the Bagalur police, but had recently obtained bail. The Hosur Town police have taken the accused into custody again. The police filed a case against the murder accused along with gunmen.