Two women run over by train while crossing the track in Mandya

Public TV English
Public TV English
1 Min Read

MANDYA: Two women were crushed to death under the wheels of the Malgudi Express at Mandya Railway Station on Wednesday.

One of the deceased has been identified as Shashi, hailing from Hurulijavarana Koppalu village. Shashi and her family lived in Bengaluru and, on Wednesday morning, she had come to Mandya by train. The other older woman who died has not yet been identified as her head was crushed.

On Wednesday morning, two women got off the Bengaluru train and were walking on the tracks when the Malgudi Express was arriving. People who noticed this, raised an alarm, but the two women could not hear them due to the sound of the oncoming train which crushed them to death. Both died on the spot.

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