6,711 complaints of electoral malpractice received on cVIGIL app since its launch

Public TV English
1 Min Read

BENGALURU: The cVigil app, which was launched by the Election Commission of India for citizens to report violations of the model code of conduct, has received 6,711 complaints. These relate posting banners without permission, distribution of clothes, money and alcohol.

A total of 1,348 complaints were registered in the 32 Assembly constituencies of Greater Bengaluru alone. On the final day of the election campaign, 541 complaints were filed in the state for violating the Model Code Conduct. The number could increase if Tuesday’s count is also counted.

As per the data available, about 640 complaints were filed in the previous week, with a total of 541 filed on Monday and 106 on Tuesday. Of the total number of 1,348 complaints in Bengaluru, 365 were from BMP North, 146 from BBMP Central, 99 from South and 48 cases from Bengaluru Rural. The majority of 690 complaints were received from Bengaluru City.

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