KALABURAGI: Two women, who were dressed as nurses, abducted a newborn from the district hospital here in the wee hours on Monday. The Brahmapura police have formed three teams to trace the kidnappers and have zeroed down on the autorickshaw the duo took from the hospital.

Ramakrishnappa, a resident of Syed Chincholi village, had admitted his wife Kasturi at the district hospital for delivery and she delivered a male child in Ward No. 115. Around 1.15 am, The two fake nurses, who had their faces covered, asked the family to bring the child for a blood test and accordingly, Kasturi’s sister Chandrakala took the child. The fake nurses then told Chandrakala to hand over the child to them and then kidnapped the newborn.

On Tuesday, Medical Education Minister Dr Sharana Prakash Patil visited the hospital and spoke to the nursing mother and other relatives. He also elicited information about the abduction from the hospital authorities and Police Commissioner Dr Sharanappa.
Later, speaking to the media, the minister said the act of abduction was captured on CCTV camera and that he had directed the police to locate the newborn. He also said there seems to be negligence on the part of the hospital authorities.

On Tuesday, the child’s father Ramakrishnappa was also seeking information from the public with a photo of the newborn. Police Commissioner Dr Sharanappa said three teams have been formed and they are investigating the case from different angles. He also said they have vital clues in the case and expressed confidence in nabbing the culprits soon.